Plasma Science and Technology杂志

Plasma Science and Technology杂志


Plasma Science and Technology杂志简介

《等离子体科学和技术(英文版)》(月刊)(Plasma Science & Technology )创刊于1999年,是由中国科学院等离子体物理研究所主办的英文版学术期刊。

《Title should be simple,concise and informative》办刊宗旨:主要报导国内外科学家就等离子体各个领域在基础研究、实验探索、装置建设和应用开发中所取得的具有新意的学术成果或阶段性成果,并刊登反映这些学科在国内外发展新方向、新动态的综述,以及与等离子体有关的交叉学科和应用方面的最新成就等。




上海图书馆馆藏 国家图书馆馆藏 CA 化学文摘(美) SCI 科学引文索引(美) EI 工程索引(美) 维普收录(中) 万方收录(中) SA 科学文摘(英) 知网收录(中) CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版)

Plasma Science and Technology杂志投稿要求

Title:Title should be simple,concise and informative.

Authors’names and affiliations:A list of all the authors, as well as their corresponding addresses,should be provided.Each address should be preceded by a numerical superscript corresponding to the same superscript after the name of the author concerned.Addresses should contain all information necessary for effective mail delivery.

Abstract:An abstract must accompany each article.It should be a concise summary of the results,conclusions and/or other significant items in the paper.Together with the title,it must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper,and will be sued as a base for indexing.Any displayed mathematical expressions are avoided.All the nonstandard symbols and abbreviations should be defined.The footnote indicators cannot be used.A reference,if necessary, should be included in square brackets.The results, the conclusions,and/or other significant items should be summarized in the paper.

Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) indexing codes:Each manuscript must be given PACS numbers,developed by the American Institute of Physics.There should be no more than three index number codes;the principal index code should be placed first.

Main body of the paper:Manuscripts must be doubled spaced with margins and indented paragraphs.Each manuscript must be complete with figures,tables,references,subtitles,etc.

Mathematical material:All mathematical equations should be carefully written and checked so that a compositor can follow the copy easily.Greek letters,upper- and lower-case letters,superscripts,subscripts,vectors,tensors and matrices should be identified in the margin.Equation numbers should be Arabic numbers enclosed in parentheses in the right-hand margin.All the quantities in both the equations and/or the formula should be illustrated upon its first appearance in the manuscript.

Italic type should be avoided for the following:Units of measurement (e.g.,km,g,K,cm-2,S-2);Mathematical signs such as sin,cos,log,exp,etc.;Chemical formulas.

References:Citations in the text to references shall be numeric strictly in order of their first appearance.Journal articles citation of a journal article should include the names of all the authors (or,optionally,the first three author followed by“et al.”if there are four or more),the year of publication,the abbreviation of the journal name,the volume number,and the initial page number.

Figure and table captions:Each caption should be written as a single brief paragraph without indentation.Figures and tables should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals.

Tables and figures:Each table must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals,and must have a complete title.Authors are strongly encouraged to submit figures in a high-resolution electronic format.Preferred formats include: TIFF,EPS or PDF.Good quality figures have the following characteristicsThey should have lines,letters,numbers and symbols of uniform strength and contrast.Figures(except photographs)should be reduced to 6*6 cm.The final thickness of a line in a figure usually lies within the range of 0.15~0.20 mm.When preparing the figures,authors should pay attention to the widths of lines and similar details,as some (e.g.dotted or thin lines)may disappear afte Title should be simple, concise and informative.



春风沉醉de早上** 的反馈:


rahimajoke** 的反馈:

你好,请问Plasma Science and Technology杂志字数要求最高包括参考文献是多少字呢?是不加参考文献6000字以内呢?还是加上参考文献6000字以内呢?

嘟噜噜~** 的反馈:


迷途风雨** 的反馈:

Plasma Science and Technology杂志审稿较快,14天左右就发回退修,退修之后10天左右再次退修,我吸取上一篇投稿的教训(退修了两次仍未达到要求,退稿了),仔细按照编辑发来的要求修改,顺便提一下,编辑人很好,修改之后很快录用,9个月之后见刊。

大圣西归** 的反馈:


nblove** 的反馈:

9月中旬在投Plasma Science and Technology杂志的稿,10月就通知录用啦,速度杠杠的。需要说的是,这本杂志的编辑排版很严格,录用后会有多次排版校对,编排质量很高,编辑工作非常严谨认真,值得赞扬!

明哥** 的反馈:


小鲸** 的反馈:

Plasma Science and Technology杂志在同类刊物里面相对比较容易中,审稿有回复,退稿有温度(笔者之前的文章因改动较大,杂志建议退稿之后修改重投),不失为一种选择

王德平** 的反馈:


baiqian** 的反馈:

Plasma Science and Technology杂志编辑的态度非常认真、和蔼,来回修改了好几次,很快就录用了。国内的顶级杂志,影响力很大,看来我的选择还是没有错的。给你们竖个大拇指。
