Journal of Arid Land杂志

Journal of Arid Land杂志


Journal of Arid Land杂志简介







CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版) 知网收录(中) SCI 科学引文索引(美) 上海图书馆馆藏 文摘与引文数据库 剑桥科学文摘 维普收录(中) 国家图书馆馆藏 文摘杂志 农业与生物科学研究中心文摘 哥白尼索引(波兰) 万方收录(中) Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄)

Journal of Arid Land杂志投稿要求

1,the manuscript should be reliable,accuratedata,creative,scientific,practical.

The argument should be novel,argument issufficient and reliable data,conceited(plagiarism),the text should be concise.

2,the name in the text under the title of theorder,the arrangement should be determined in the submission.

Author'sname,unit,detailed address and postalcode must be written clearly,

the author must obtain the consent of the author'sdraft,the other authors agree,roworder,after the notice is no longer change.

3,inorder to shorten the period of published and reduceerrors,

the drawing sare in word format,and please specify my contact de tails.

4,the editorial department has to delete Xiucontribution,

donot agree with th estatement in the manuscript please amend the contributions.

5,Names of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in IndexMedicus.

Author sare responsible for the accuracy of the references.

6,Author sand affiliations:

(i)the full name so fall authors;

(ii)the addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out to get her with the full postal address incluing postcodes;

(iii)the email address,telephone and facsimile umbers of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent.

The present address of any author,if different from that where the work was carriedout,should be supplied as a footnote.



小小小硕** 的反馈:

五天了还是已发回执状态 什么情况?有人知道么

一江春水** 的反馈:

文章接收速度还可以,我投稿的时间有些尴尬,恰逢是在放假的时候,耽误了一段时间。Journal of Arid Land杂志在学术界还是有一定地位,还是不错的。编辑老师也很不错,比较推荐大家投此杂志。

春风沉醉de早上** 的反馈:


nblove** 的反馈:

9月中旬在投Journal of Arid Land杂志的稿,10月就通知录用啦,速度杠杠的。需要说的是,这本杂志的编辑排版很严格,录用后会有多次排版校对,编排质量很高,编辑工作非常严谨认真,值得赞扬!

大圣西归** 的反馈:


steven0281** 的反馈:


嘟噜噜~** 的反馈:


rahimajoke** 的反馈:

你好,请问Journal of Arid Land杂志字数要求最高包括参考文献是多少字呢?是不加参考文献6000字以内呢?还是加上参考文献6000字以内呢?

一江春水** 的反馈:

Journal of Arid Land杂志 这个刊物免审稿费,版面费正常,效率高

小荷** 的反馈:

等了好几个月,终于收到书了,悬着的心终于放下了,感谢Journal of Arid Land杂志编辑部大大,感谢~~感谢
